Roasted Dandelion Root Brewing Tips!

Hey! So you've got yourself a delicious bag of Roasted Dandelion Root or Chocolate Roasted Dandelion Root...need help preparing it? Awesome, we're here to help!

Here are a few info sheets you can save to your phone for easy reference (simply hold on the image and save to your phone!). 

Below is a cheat sheet for our plain Roasted Dandelion Root, but your welcome to try with our Chocolate Roasted Dandelion Root, but be aware the added maple sugar in our Chocolate version might slow down your brewing, so start with less and add more the next time depending on how things go! Or simply add it directly to your coffee after brewing :) 

Below you will find answers to some common questions!


As always, please reach out either via DM on Instagram or email and we'd be happy to answer any questions you might have! :)